

Applications for the Fall 2024, starting in September, are now closed. But you can still get ready to apply for the Spring 2025 semester starting in January!

It's the number one question when deciding to go to College: what's it going to cost?

Tuition 和 费用 at det365中文 are significantly lower than every four-year institution in Southeastern Massachusetts, but we also underst和 that you want to make sure you're spending your money wisely. We're here to support you 和 offer solutions to make sure that you can balance your busy life 和 去上学.




申请 完成FAFSA 每年 十月一日以后.

  • 联邦佩尔助学金: 基于需要 和 "EFC" (expected family contribution) number from Student Aid Report (the results of the FAFSA). Some students may receive Pell if taking less than 6 credits. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG): Provided to those Pell Grant recipients who have the highest financial need. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 联邦工作研究: 基于财政需要. 要求至少6学分. Funds earned based on number of hours worked 和 paid directly to the student biweekly. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 联邦直接贷款(有补贴和无补贴): 补贴贷款是按需发放的. 无补贴不是基于需求,但确实有限制. Both loans have limits based on student's year in school 和 dependency status. Additional application (promissory note) 和 loan counseling required. 每学期至少修6学分. 必须偿还一次,不再在学校至少一半.
  • 本科生联邦家长贷款(PLUS): 不是基于经济需要. 每学期至少修6学分. 贷款在父母名下,还款立即开始.

Must be a Massachusetts State resident at least one year prior to receiving funds.

  • 格兰特:质量 根据需要和FAFSA的EFC号码. 必须在5月1日前提交FAFSA吗. 每学期至少修12学分. 两年制学校最多4个学期. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 文学硕士(现金)补助金: 基于财政需要. 要求至少6学分. 不能超过学杂费. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 文学硕士兼职资助: 根据需要和FAFSA的EFC编号. 每学期必须修6到11个学分. 不需要偿还吗.
  • MA按需学费减免: 基于需要. Available for State supported courses with class sections 01 to 39. 不需要偿还吗.
  • MA绝对学费减免: 不需要FAFSA. 不是基于经济需要. 可供现役军人使用, 退伍军人, 印第安人, 老年人, clients of Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission or the Commission for the Blind, 以及911悲剧受害者的子女/配偶. 没有最低学分要求. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 4Cs缺口基金: 根据需要和FAFSA的EFC号码. Primarily awarded to students who do not qualify for sufficient federal 和 state aid to cover tuition, 费用, 和书籍. 每学期至少修6学分. 通过填写FAFSA申请. 不需要偿还吗.
  • 4c Whitehouse Grant: Awarded to students in Evening Nursing to reduce the program cost to match Day Nursing rates. 不需要经济需求. 视情况而定, additional awards may be offered at the Financial Aid Director’s discretion. 通过填写FAFSA申请. 不需要偿还吗.

The det365中文 Educational Foundation awards approximately $200,每年为4c学生提供1万英镑的奖学金. 个人奖学金金额和标准各不相同. A committee of Foundation 和 College representatives selects recipients. 2月底/ 3月初接受申请.

更多信息: www.ccccfoundation.org/scholarships/

If your total awards are less than your demonstrated financial need, 你可能有资格参加联邦工作学习计划. Work study allows students to obtain part-time jobs on-campus 和 in certain off-campus, 社区服务职位. Students receive paychecks every other week according to the number of hours worked.

To find out if you are eligible for a work study job, contact the Financial Aid Office.

For detailed information on federal education loans, please review www.studentaid.政府.


在大多数情况下,贷款是为整个学年颁发的.  All loans are paid in two disbursements – usually half for fall semester 和 half for spring semester.

Federal subsidized loans are need-based 和 do not accrue interest while enrolled at least half time.  补贴贷款不超过3500美元st 年)或$ 4,500 (2nd 年).  Unsubsidized loans are not need-based 和 will accrue interest while attending college.

以下是可用的年度最高限额.  Actual awards are based on cost of attendance 和 other aid received.  Subsidized will be determined based on federal financial need up to the annual limit.


  • 1st year (under 30 credits earned or in a certificate)             $5500 per year
  • 2nd year (Associate degree with over 30 credits) $6500 per year

Independent Students (FAFSA does not include parent information)

  • 1st year (under 30 credits earned or in a certificate)             $9500 per year
  • 2nd year (Associate degree with over 30 credits) $10500 per year

Federal student loans also have aggregate borrowing limits based on all previous borrowing at all schools. 


  1. 完成 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at studentaid.政府
  2. 满足学院满意的学术进步标准
  3. 每学期至少修6个学分
  4. 每年在学生援助中心完成入学辅导.政府
  5. 完成 Master Promissory Note (MPN) 每年 at studentaid.政府
  6. 完成 贷款申请表格 并提交给财政援助办公室

The Federal PLUS loan is available to parents of dependent students.  PLUS贷款申请需要信用审批.  Parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance less al other sources of financial aid, 包括学生贷款.  PLUS loan payments can be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half time, 但利息将会增加.


  1. The student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at studentaid.政府
  2. The student must meet the College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress st和ards
  3. 学生每学期必须注册至少6个学分
  4. 完成 PLUS application 和 receive credit approval at www.studentaid.政府
  5. 完成 Master Promissory Note (MPN) 每年 at studentaid.政府

Alternative higher education loans are available from private lenders.  These loans require credit approval 和 may require a co-signer.  The amount available, interest rate, 和 application process varies by lender.  The maximum amount4Cs can approve is the cost of attendance less all other financial aid, 包括联邦贷款.

学院将公布学院违约率(CDR), 如果我们的比率高于全国平均水平.


地点: 尼克森行政大楼一楼

小时: Zoom提供经济援助

周一至周四上午10:00.m. - 2:00 p.m.

会议编号:983 1467 4608

其他时间可预约. 如果您需要傍晚时间,请与我们联系.

电话: 774.330.4393

传真: 508.375.4026

电子邮件: finaid@csaaiir.com